Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Original title: “The Essentials for Comprehensive Optimization of the Business Environment in Beijing in 2024” Released includes 60 tasks of seven parts

Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei has added a hundred new regions to run government affairs matters

Recently, the Beijing Municipal Government issued the “Key Points for the Comprehensive Optimization of the Business Environment in Beijing in 2024” (hereinafter referred to as “Points”), which clarifies the city’s key tasks for optimizing the business environment. It is planned to be completed before the end of the year.

The Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned that the “Key points” include 7 and 60 tasks, namely: optimize the development environment of the regional industrial and promote the coordinated development of Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei; the strong market promotes fairness and create a market environment of efficient and standardized competition;Strongly open and stable expectations to create the rule of law environment of the first good area; strengthen the quality of the quality of the investment and trade, and create a free and convenient investment and trade environment; strong services to increase convenience to create a warm and efficient government service environment; strong support to increase efficiency and create smart and convenient digital society.Environment; strong innovation tree benchmark to create an open and inclusive human environment.

Strive to arrange 50 billion yuan of funds to support science and technology manufacturing enterprises

In optimizing the development environment of the regional industry and promoting the coordinated development of Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei.”Points” clearly optimize scientific and technological innovation services, earnestly increase financial support for technological innovation, encourage banking institutions to open up green channels for high -tech enterprises and “specialized new” enterprises, and strive to arrange 50 billion yuan to re -loan, re -discount discountingFund, support scientific and technological innovation and the development of manufacturing enterprises.At the same time, the city should optimize the industrial ecological service system, will promote the dynamic update of industrial maps, continuously update data, enrich content, enhance the interaction of maps, and provide a more friendly service experience.Focus on key industries such as innovative drugs and artificial intelligence, refine the customization of the entire industry chain to optimize business environmental policies and measures, further improve the effectiveness of innovative pharmaceuticals review and inspection, and accelerate the application of large artificial intelligence models in vertical fields such as government services and medical care.

In addition, the city emphasizes the optimization of the Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei business environment. This year, Beijing will focus on innovation collaboration and industrial collaboration, focusing on key areas such as business systems, regulatory law enforcement, and government services.Add more than 8 new districts (cities) business licenses to “handle, distribute, and receive” in different places, and launch the second batch of Beijing -Tianjin -Hebei enterprise qualifications to qualify for mutual recognition list to achieve mutual recognition of more than 20 matters.”General” government service matters.

Explore the establishment of the city’s unified enterprise residence standardization information library

In terms of building an efficient and standardized and equal market environment, “Points” proposes to formulate the “Beijing Public Resources Trading Platform Service Standards” to explore the dynamic management of bid evaluation and bidding agency credit evaluation management.Consolidate the reform of the commercial system, carry out high standards to promote the pilot of high -quality development registration of operating entities, and on the basis of the first realization of the “full -scale online office” of foreign -funded enterprises, continuously enrich the identity data source of foreign, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan investors, and expand the registration of foreign -funded enterprises.The scope of online processing.In addition, it will also explore the establishment of a standardized information database of the city’s unified corporate residence, realize the intelligent matching verification of the information information of the corporate residence, and optimize the online submission method of the residence application materials.

“Points” also proposed to improve the approval efficiency of investment construction projects.Relevant person in charge of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission said that in the past few years, the city has successively launched reform measures such as parallel approval, joint review, joint acceptance, regional assessment, “listing of standards”, “submitting a certificate”Institutional guarantee.This year, on the one hand, the city will consolidate and expand the effectiveness of reform, help enterprises better enjoy the dividends of reform, and form more cases of landing; on the other hand, we will continue to deepen key link reforms, further optimize environmental impact assessment approval, and implement exemptions, bundles, and binding.Examination and other measures to explore and promote the “two certificates of approval” for environmental assessment and pollution permits of the project.

Strengthen the “one -stop” intellectual property dispute to solve the formats such as digital people

In terms of building the rule of law in the first good area, the “Points” clearly should strengthen legislative guarantee, bend the world -class internationally, promote the revision of the “Regulations on Optimizing the Business Environment” and solidify the results of reform.Promote the introduction of foreign investment regulations, establish and improve foreign investment promotion and service systems, and ensure that foreign enterprises participate in government procurement and standard formulation of peaceful support policies in accordance with the law.Strengthen and standardize regulatory and enforcement, focus on the implementation of non -on -site supervision, and achieve full coverage of the regulatory field; comprehensively implement the system of integrity business entities;Essence”Points” proposes to strengthen public services in intellectual property rights. This year, the city will continue to play the advantage of resource agglomeration, focusing on the key areas involved in the new generation of information technology and high -end equipment manufacturing industry, further enhance the coverage of patent pre -review services and improve the quality and efficiency of patent review.In addition, it will also strengthen the solution of the “one -stop” intellectual property disputes such as online live broadcasts and cross -border e -commerce such as digital people, and provide online services such as infringement judgment consultation, rights protection assistance, notarization and appraisal resources.

In terms of creating a free and convenient investment and trade environment.”Points” clearly need to continue to promote the innovation of customs clearance supervision service model, expand the “white list” of biomedical research and development items, implement intelligent approval of low -risk special items, and promote the “Certified Operators” (AEO) Enterprise Qualification Certification and Update “Full Process Network Network.manage”.Improve the service mechanisms such as cross -border flow of data, and efficiently carry out services such as data outbound security assessment, personal information protection certification, and exit standard contract filing.

Pilot certificate photos “One -shot sharing, one care universal”

In terms of creating a warm -hearted government service environment, “Points” proposed to promote the intelligent approval service model, improve the intelligent pre -filled, intelligent pre -review, and intelligent approval function of the government service platform, reduce the burden of filling in the enterprise and improve the efficiency of approval.The pilot certificate is “one -shot and shared, one is universal” to solve the problem of multiple photos of the masses and the problem of multi -head collection.

The city also emphasizes that the government service links should improve policy acquisition. They will build the city’s policy service platform, gather policy documents of two levels of urban areas, and launch policy redeem areas on the municipal government portal., Clarify the standards, requirements and processes, etc., and implement the “one -stop” declaration.Promote the “one thing to do one thing”, strengthen the reform of “one thing” and “one industry, one certificate”, and launch the third batch of integrated service scenarios such as corporate information changes, opening transportation enterprises, and credit restorationIn terms of scope, optimize the process of work.Provide more diverse and convenient channels to promote the government service hall of the city and district levels to create a 24 -hour self -service area to achieve the nearest and self -service office.The “Jingtong” applet adds more than 200 government services.

In terms of creating smart and convenient digital social environment.”Points” proposes to release the vitality of data element, accelerate the construction of the data basic system, and gradually establish and improve the system of data asset registration, evaluation, transaction, supervision and other systems, and explore the data income distribution mechanism.Improve the energy level of Beijing International Big Data Exchange, and explore the establishment of a data trading index and price formation mechanism.In terms of strengthening public data sharing, the system specifications of public data opening and effective flow of data resources are introduced to explore the construction of safe and credible data sharing space.Improve the level of digital society construction, and continue to expand “urban code” in terms of government services and transportation.Promote smart pension services and the construction of smart communities, and vigorously promote medical services “one -time payment” and “mobile online payment”.

Promote key places to support diversified payment methods

“Points” also put forward clear tasks in the construction of an open and inclusive human environment. For example, in terms of talent services, this year, it will further improve the working mechanism of talent training, introduction, use, and reasonable flow.For leading talents of science and technology, the “one person, one policy” will be used to introduce the top talents of key areas; the construction of outstanding engineers will be introduced to the “one person and one policy”;Base construction.For young talents, encourage young talents to pick up beams and be the protagonists, and account for not less than 60%in the proportion of heads of major scientific research management, major technical research projects and technical chiefs.For international talents, release the “one -stop” service window of foreign talents to build a “one -stop” service window for foreign talents, and promote the “one -stop” process of work permits, residence permits, visas, and permanent residence.

In terms of the construction of the enterprise service system, the three major enterprise service channels of the 12345 enterprise service hotline, the “service package” accurate service, and the effective service platform of the SME service platform are closely cooperated.Upgrade 12345 enterprise service hotline, new policy push, intermediary agency information inquiry, and rapid mediation of dispute -related disputes in response to the urgency and worry of the development of the enterprise in a timely response.Strengthen the active and precise service of enterprises, improve the mechanism of “service packages” and “service butler”, and unblock the corporate cross -regional, cross -departments, and cross -level demand solution mechanisms.Continuously improve the service capabilities of SME platforms, and make good use of the SME service coupon subsidies, characteristic industrial cluster rewards, innovation and entrepreneurship awards and other policies.

In terms of building a livable city, this year, it will focus on improving the convenience of the “seven stations and two” interchange transfers, and explore services such as Daxing Airport’s flight procedures and luggage consignment services at key railway stations to facilitate passengers to handle air -rail transportation transfer.In response to the recent social concerns, the convenience issues will promote the diversified payment methods such as mobile payment, bank cards, and cash in large commercial districts, tourist scenic spots, entertainment venues, hotel accommodation and other key places to better guarantee the right to pay for the enterprise and the masses.Vigorously enhance the level of public culture and tourism services, pilot the delay and opening up of 20 museums such as the Capital Museum, and promote the improvement of supporting service facilities such as catering, storage, cultural and creative and creative services; optimize tourism transportation services, set up a limited time in the core area of tourist attractions.Strengthen the supply of peripheral parking facilities at the tourist attractions in the suburbs.

“The business environment is not the best, but only better.” The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission said that the “Points” introduced mainly from improving the sense of obtaining corporate masses, benchmarking in international first -class deepening reforms, focusing on promoting the development of new productive forcesConsider the quality of service quality.In the next step, the relevant departments will accelerate the implementation of the various reform tasks of the main points, effectively enhance the sense of gain and satisfaction of the enterprise, and make the “Beijing service” into the “golden business card” of Beijing’s urban image in the new era.


Beijing has accumulated 8083 new SMEs with special specialized specialized in SMEs

In 2023, 258 local standards were released, with a total of 2101 items, ranking among the forefront of the country; as of now, 8083 special specialized SMEs have been cultivated.The time limit of 71.5%& hellip; & hellip; The reporter from the Beijing Youth Daily learned from the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission that in November last year, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government issued the Opinions on the “Beijing Service” of the “Beijing Service” (hereinafter referred to as the “Beijing Service” (hereinafter referred to as”Beijing Service”), as the guiding and framework document of the city’s optimized business environment in the current and in the future, marks the new stage of the city’s business environment into a comprehensive and overall optimization and upgrade.According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, since the “Beijing Service” Opinions have been issued, the city has focused on building a “Beijing service” brand, continuously strengthened the construction of the business environment, and achieved new results.

First of all, the three major foundations of “Beijing Standards”, “Beijing Efficiency” and “Beijing Integrity” are continuously consolidated.The city creates a world -class “Beijing Standard” and gives full play to the basic role of standardization in optimizing the business environment. In 2023, 258 local standards were released, with a cumulative 2101 items, ranking among the forefront of the country.For example, in the field of autonomous driving, more than 20 demonstration zones have been formed, which effectively supports the implementation of the “vehicle road cloud integration” intelligent connected automotive technology route plan to implement the high -quality development of the industry to standardize the industry.To create a “Beijing efficiency” that the people are satisfied with, in addition to the exception list, the municipal government service hall matters, the comprehensive acceptance rate of the “one window”, the entrusted acceptance rate, and the authorization approval rate, the “full online operation” rate has reached 100%;The 6th batch of 31 notification commitments for approval was launched, and a total of 577 matters were approved for approval. The online and offline settlement was not exceeded by 0.5 working days and offline.The “Beijing Integrity”, which builds the first good area, has vigorously promoted credit supervision. It has carried out credit classification supervision in 37 departments, covering 149 types of supervision objects; strengthened integrity guidance, established credit restoration active notification mechanisms, more than 17,000 companies in 2023 realized credit credit credit in 2023 to realize credit credit credit credit in 2023 realized credit to realize credit credit in 2023 to realize credit credit credit credit in 2023 realized credit to realize credit credit in 2023 to realize credit credit in 2023 to realize credit credit credit credit in 2023 realized credit to realize credit credit.Repair; in -depth promotion of the application of credit services for innovation, and implementing the use of special credit reports instead of market supervision, provident fund, social security, and other 20 fields without illegal and illegal certificates. Since the implementation of September 1, 2023More than 3,500 companies have downloaded more than 7,400 special credit reports to provide convenient conditions for the listing of corporate listing.

At the same time, the efficiency of the municipal affairs services has continued to improve.This city has further promoted the “three one” key reform, and surrounded by admission, as a quasi -camp, comprehensively promoted the “one industry, one certificate” in 40 industries, with an average pressure of 50.6%of the materials and a time limit of 71.5%.In handling matters, a total of 62 “one thing” integrated services have been launched, especially in order to accelerate recovery and expand consumption last year, we will take the lead in launching “one thing” for large -scale performances, sports events, and exhibition activities.The average pressure of the processing time is reduced by 81%; the integrated comprehensive supervision based on “risk+credit” has been initially implemented in 50 scenes such as logistics and pensions, and inspection matters have been reduced by about 39%.The “handling” business is continuously enriched. In the “Jingtong” WeChat, Alipay, and Baidu Mini Program have launched more than 950 municipal services, including social security, medical and health, respectively, with more than 28.6 million users.

In addition, the all -round enterprise service system has been accelerated.Strengthen precision services, establish and improve the three -level “service package” mechanism of cities, districts, and streets (townships) to directly serve 14,000 enterprises. In 2023, it resolved 37,000 corporate demands, an increase of 56.5%year -on -year.Improve inclusive services, set up the “12345” enterprise service hotline, with a cumulative acceptance of over 230,000 calls, a resolution rate of nearly 90%, and a satisfaction rate of 93.8%, achieving “corporate whistle and departmental registration.”To build a service system that supports the innovation and development of small and medium -sized enterprises, as of now, a total of 8083 special specialized SMEs have been cultivated, of which 795 “small giant” enterprises are ranked, and the number of “little giants” enterprises ranks first in cities across the country.At the same time, pay attention to extending from enterprise services to industrial services, and accelerate the improvement of the industrial service system. For example, after the Spring Festival, the Beijing Industrial Map 1.0 is released, covering 5 major categories and 31 categories including high -precision industries and modern service industries.A total of 75 status and planning maps provided clear industrial guidance for enterprises in Beijing’s development.For another example, in order to promote the development of the pharmaceutical and health industry, two pharmaceutical medical device innovation service stations were established in Changping and Economic Development Zone last year to provide “one -stop” precision services such as policy interpretation and customization consulting.Effectively promote the implementation of the research and development results of Beijing Innovation Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices to transform and go public.

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