Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
A few days ago, the Taiyuan Market Supervision and Administration Bureau issued three local standards of “Specifications for the Management of Food Workshop Production and Processing”, “Food Small Business Stores (Food Sales) Business Management Specifications” and “Specifications for Small Catering Management Management”.The formulation of these three local standards has provided a strong support for further enhance the management level of food workshops, small business stores, small catering (hereinafter referred to as “three small”), and strengthening the control of food safety risk. It marks the “three small”.The industry’s modernization level has entered a new stage.
As of now, the city’s total food production and operation has reached 5,2590, of which the “three small” obtained by the filing certificate account for 2,2846 (288 small workshops, 13,625 small catering, 8933 other food operators, etc.).
The “three small” has the characteristics of low investment, low cost, and low employment threshold. It plays an important role in solving and expanding employment, meeting the daily dietary needs of the people, and prospering the market economy.However, with the rapid development of the “three small” industries, many problems have occurred.For example, the quality of employees is uneven, the production and operation venues are small, the facilities and equipment are humble and backward, the sanitary conditions are dirty, and the awareness of the rule of law is insufficient.
In order to enhance the modern supervision capacity of food safety, accurately apply, targeted force, solve the shortcomings and risk hazards of the “three small” food safety, and the Taiyuan Market Supervision and Administration Bureau and China Standardization Research Institute, which lasted for nearly 10 months to jointly developThe “three small” local standards.With the goal of “creating benchmarking, demonstration leadership, and comprehensive implementation”, in accordance with the structure and drafting requirements of standardized documents, the management requirements of business management are stipulated, andInformation, etc. have been standardized.
The “Three Small” standard will be onOfficially implemented on July 28, 2024EssenceAt present, the training and promotion of the “Three Small” standards are actively carrying out the “three small” standards. On the one hand, more “three small” business entities are familiar with, understand and master standard specifications to lay the foundation for the implementation of the next standard; on the other hand,Through vigorous propaganda, the “three small” management specifications are deeply rooted in people’s hearts, let the public recognize the importance of the “three small” standards, and give play to the role of public supervision to jointly ensure food safety.
Text / Zhu Xiyu

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