Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

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World Reading Day | “Read” together to see a beautiful life (message with a prize) to help farmers in the spring of Pingxiang City, the women’s federation of Pingxiang City “leads” the power of the township.In 2023, the National Vocational College Skills Contest Teaching Capability Competition, 2023 National Vocational College Skills Contest Moral Education and Ideological and Political Education Award List.Let’s take a look with Xiaobian–

2023 National Vocational College Skills Competition

List of teaching ability competitions

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The National Vocational College Skills Competition Teaching Capability Competition is divided into secondary vocational education groups, higher vocational education groups, and military vocational groups. After online review and on -site finals, 106 first prizes, 196 second prizes, third prizes 290indivual.Among them, Jiangxi won three first prizes, 5 second prizes, and 10 third prizes.

The announcement proposes that all localities are requested to do a good job of summary work in combination, consolidate the results of the competition, increase publicity, give full play to the role of the vane of the event, guide the majority of vocational colleges to closely focus on the fundamental tasks of Lindu Tree people, implement national teaching standards and national teaching standards andCurriculum ideological and political requirements, deepen teaching reform, accelerate the construction of the “dual -teacher” teacher team, vigorously promote the spirit of educators, comprehensively improve the literacy of teachers, and continuously improve the quality of skill talent training.

2023 National Vocational College Skills Competition

Moral education and ideological and political education related competition items

Winning list

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The national vocational college skills contest moral education and ideological and political education related competitions are the ideological and political education curriculum teaching ability competitions (set up secondary vocational education groups, higher vocational education groups), and secondary vocational school class teachers.

After online review and on -site finals, the ideological and political education curriculum teaching ability competition (secondary vocational education group) produced 20 first prizes, 40 second prizes, and 61 third prizes, of which Jiangxi won 2 second prizes, third -class third -class prizes, third prizesTwo prizes; 26 first prizes, 45 second prizes, and 72 third prizes in the second prize contest competition competition competition, of which Jiangxi won 2 second prizes and 4 third prizes.

The ideological and political education curriculum teaching capacity competition (higher vocational education group) and the third national college ideological and political theoretical class teaching exhibition activities are coordinated, and the award list is announced.

The announcement proposes that all localities are requested to do a good job in the actual situation, consolidate the results of the competition, increase publicity, give full play to the role of promoting reform and reform, and vigorously promote the spirit of educators, strengthen vocational school ideological and political teachers and class teachersTeam building, promote the reform of the “three complete educating people” in the field of vocational education, enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of ideological and political lessons, improve the level of moral education in vocational schools, and continuously improve the quality of skilled talents.

Original title: “These teachers in Jiangxi won awards!Latest announcement of the Ministry of Education “

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