Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
“Pearl Water Cantonese Grain”, the legend of the wide cargo.On April 18, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Guangdong Provincial Agricultural and Rural Department, and the Guangdong Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau issued the “Special Action Plan on Promoting the Geely Upgrade of Cantonese Food in Cantonese Food in 2024” (The following referred to as “Action Plan”), focusing on promoting the realization of the food industry to achieve more “strong, special, new, big, tough, good, good, excellent”, it proposes to “strengthen the food industry cluster, strengthen the county’s specialty food industry, cultivate new productive productive for food, and cultivate new food products, and to cultivate new food productive forces.Do the seven key tasks of the major industrial chassis, gradient to cultivate food companies, improve food safety, and expand high -quality food consumption “, and clarify the progress of time.
The “Action Plan” proposes that by the end of 2024, the added value of the food industry in the province will continue to grow strongly and positively., Raw material base, promote more than 250 key food projects to accelerate the construction, make bigger, stronger, and excellent food processing enterprises, promote the deep processing of agricultural products to achieve new results, form a number of famous food industry products, “the better the Cantonese food, the betterThe effectiveness of the Guangdong -Pinya World “has achieved obvious results, and the” Pearl River Water Guangdong Grain “will create a legend of Guangzhou.
Guangzhou old name: Young new products are popular.Data map.Photo by Wang Yan, a reporter from Guangzhou Daily New Flower City
Support Guangfo Wan building as the province’s food industry research and development innovation, product marketing, brand headquarters
For the key food industry clusters, the “Action Plan” proposes to combine industrial development, and classify and guide the food industry’s 100 billion -level core cities, the Pearl River Delta region, and the east of Guangdong and Guangdong to implement differentiated development strategies.For example, supporting three billion -level core cities in Guangzhou, Foshan, and Dongguan’s three food industry’s operating income to attract high -end factors to gather high -end factors, and build a province’s food industry research and development innovation, product marketing, and brand headquarters.
For the special food industry in the county, the “Action Plan” clearly clarifies the key cultivation objects of traditional superior food production areas and local specialty food industry, and build a characteristic development pattern of characteristic and differentiated.Guide localities to carry out innovation and empowering operations in the special food industry, promote traditional products, traditional craftsmanship to “standardized” industrial products, “standardized” manufacturing process transformation, and develop a group of candy and drinks with Lingnan food characteristics.Essence
At the same time, Guangdong will build a number of provincial food industry cultivation pilot counties.Implement the Pearl River Delta region and east of Guangdong and western Guangdong and Guangdong Province.The rich quality and upgrading activities of the food industry will be carried out to carry out the selection of the second batch of provincial food industry cultivation pilot counties, and the county’s food industry brand will be launched.
Organize food exhibitions such as the Guangdong Food Festival and other food exhibitions and other activities
How to improve quality and efficiency and cultivate new productive productivity for the food industry?The “Action Plan” proposes to accelerate the high -end development and digital transformation of the food industry, continue to improve the level of food green manufacturing, and guide the integration of the food industry and industrial design.Specifically, it supports food companies, research institutes and colleges and universities to jointly build a batch of key laboratories and technological innovation centers in the food sector, and focus on breaking through the research and development of key technologies and core raw accessories that restrict the development of the food industry;Several field digital transformation knowledge and skills training and exchanges; encourage conditional food companies to cooperate with industrial design enterprises, and fully empower the development of food packaging design, product design, process design and other links through the application of modern industrial design concepts.
For the gradient cultivation of food industry enterprises, the “Action Plan” encourages food companies to focus on the innovation in the fields, guide enterprises to optimize technical technology, realize product iteration upgrades, cultivate a number of manufacturing single champion enterprises (products), and striveThe provincial -level “specialized new” enterprises in the field have increased significantly.At the same time, multiple measures to promote the “small election regulations”, continue to implement and optimize the adjustment of small and micro industrial enterprises to develop a financial award -renewal policy in large -scale, and strive to increase 10 “small promotion” enterprises in the food industry in 2024.
In addition, Guangdong will make every effort to promote food brands.Encourage and support the protection of geographical logo products in various places and the construction of public brands in the food regional regional, in -depth excavation of local specialty food culture, historical and geographical value, empower product value, and enhance the awareness and influence of local food brands.Carry out hundreds of billions of consumption actions of thousands of stores, and jointly organize nearly 100 exhibitions, industrial chain connection, and consumption promotion activities to jointly organize 10 exhibitions, industry associations, large -scale business platforms, e -commerce platforms, key enterprises, etc., and promote 10,000 stores.Participation has driven more than 100 billion consumption growth.Organize food exhibitions and other activities such as the Guangdong Food Festival and other food exhibitions.Food Festival “high -quality food promotes production and consumer activities.
Text/Guangzhou Daily Xinhua City Reporter: Xu WenwenGuangzhou Daily Xinhua City Editor: Li Lin

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