Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The financial industry is the pillar industry of Beijing. What are the key tasks of the financial sector in promoting the high -quality development of the capital’s economy and society and achieving the “opening of the door” in the first quarter?On March 21, a reporter interviewed Nie Jieying, deputy director of the Office of the Financial Committee of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, deputy director of the daily work, deputy secretary of the daily work of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and director of the Beijing Municipal Financial Administration.She introduced that the city’s financial sector sprinted with a sprint in the first quarter to support the high -quality development of the capital economy.

Beijing strengthen the function of the National Financial Management Center and promote high -quality development of the financial industry.At present, the total assets of Beijing financial institutions are 215 trillion yuan, accounting for about half the country.In 2023, the city’s financial industry achieved an added value of 866.31 billion yuan, an increase of 6.7%year -on -year, accounting for 19.8%of the total regional GDP, a record high of one -fifth of the city’s fiscal revenue, and it became a very important in Beijing.Pillar industry.

Since the beginning of this year, 16 important financial institutions and enterprise projects have landed in Beijing. On March 22, the country’s first batch of wholly foreign -funded Standard Chartered Securities in the country officially opened.The proportion of investment in the China -Italian Property & Casualty Insurance has increased from 49%to 100%, becoming a wholly -owned property insurance company.Bridge Investment Management Corporation in the United States set up a Beijing branch of private equity funds in Beijing.These iconic enterprises and projects will inject new vitality into the high -quality and sustainable development of the capital’s financial industry.

Beijing do a good job of “five major articles” of science and technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance, and digital finance to promote high -quality development of financial services.Specifically, in terms of science and technology finance, Beijing uses the opportunity of the construction of Zhongguancun Science and Technology Innovation Financial Reform Pilot Zone to continuously enrich and improve financial products and services to provide a life cycle service for technology companies; this city focuses on improving the regional equity market service sectionThe capabilities of the founding enterprise, continuously deepen the pilot reform of the comprehensive service of equity recognition; further improve the service mechanism of the PE/VC investment enterprise, and promote thousands of investment enterprises recommended by the institution to be included in the two -level “service package” in the urban area, which is more targeted atThe “seed enterprise” that PE/VC has invested sexually to help companies grow faster.

In terms of inclusive finance, the financial department has actively promoted the special operation of inclusive finance. For example, the “smooth integration project” has carried out 9 special docking work since this year.Platform, actively promote the construction of “financing bailout”.Since the beginning of this year, the city has actively launched a list of 87,000 active enterprises to the State Administration of Finance Supervision, and 28,000 potential first loan companies have been selected to help solve small and micro enterprises to solve financing problems.

In addition, in terms of providing major project financing support, the financial sector actively guides financial institutions to connect with major project financing needs, and increase support for key areas such as “three major projects” and key areas such as urban renewal and post -disaster reconstruction.Specifically, Jingdong Pinggu Intelligent Industrial Park’s “Pingyu Dual use” project approves a loan of 2 billion yuan, and 180 million yuan has been issued this month.There are already 8 projects for the dedicated borrowing of the village in the city, and 1.37 billion yuan of funds have been approved.The balance of loan construction loans in affordable leased housing has reached a scale of more than 10 billion yuan at the end of February, maintaining a high -speed growth.

In terms of urban renewal, the city has actively guided banks to innovate products and services. As of the end of January, three banks of China Kaijie North, ICBC North, and CCB North Divis have a total of more than 100 credit cities, with a credit amount of more than 300 billion yuan.The loan has been issued more than 100 billion yuan.

In terms of post -disaster reconstruction, after the “23 · 7” rains and flood disasters last year, the city’s financial department recognized the new model of the first post -disaster insurance claims in the country. The experience obtained was fully affirmed by all walks of life. In 2023, bank institutions supported post -disaster reconstruction loans.The balance also reached more than 40 billion yuan.

At the end of February, the city’s RMB loan balance was 11.3 trillion yuan, an increase of 14%year -on -year. It hit a new high since 2017. Finance provides strong support for the real economy, people’s livelihood construction, and social development.

In terms of promoting the listing of enterprises, in recent years, Beijing enterprises have used multi -level capital markets to achieve direct financing of more than 1 trillion yuan each year, ranking first in the country.As of the end of February this year, 805 listed companies at home and abroad in Beijing, of which 476 were listed in China, ranking first in the country; 329 overseas marketing.The number and total share capital of the company’s listed companies are also the number one in the country.Since the beginning of this year, there have been 7 new listed companies in Beijing, including 3 domestic and 4 overseas.At present, the number of listed companies in the Beijing Stock Exchange is more than three times when the market is opened. Among them, half of the new “little giants” enterprises of the national -level specialized specialty, 6 new listed companies have been added since this year.

In terms of optimizing the financial business environment, the city has been committed to improving the “soft environment” of enterprises to develop, and has introduced a series of reform policies for multiple rounds of financial business environment.Enterprise electronic seal is the first to achieve application promotion in the financial field.

At the same time, the city’s financial department adheres to the coordination development and security, adheres to the responsibility of defending the soil, the responsibilities of the land, strengthen the coordination of the central land, continuously strengthen the monitoring of risk, and resolutely prevent and resolve the risks in an orderly manner.The bottom line of risk creates a good and stable environment for the development of the capital.

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